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One of the key challenges when dealing with flow measurement using differential pressure flow meters is the design of the primary flow element such as an orifice plate, flow nozzle, venturi or other flow meter. The design of an orifice plate or any other flow meter starts with the accumulation of several data items. These data points are then used to design physical dimensions of the orifice plate including the outer diameter, the plate thickness, the handle requirements, and the orifice bore. Process data are used in a calculation iteration to develop the orifice bore, and once the physical dimensions of the orifice are decided, this information is then used to complete the overall flow calculation. Worksheets are often utilized in order to accumulate the needed data for the flow calculation.

A sample process data worksheet is included below:

Orifice Plate Flow Calculation Data Sheet

Company Name

Contact Name

Contact Phone Number

Contact Email Address

Product Description

Plate Type

Tap Type

Plate Material

Tap Location

Drain / Vent Diameter

Pipe Size

Tap Process Connection (NPT, SW, etc.)

Pipe Schedule

Pipe Material

Input Data

Fluid Type

Pipe ID


Base Pressure

Temperature at flow

Base Temperature

Flow Rates










Full Scale



The flow calculation takes into consideration all of the process flow conditions, the physical attributes of the orifice plate and then provides key results such as discharge coefficient, beta ratio, flow velocity, expected differential pressure, total pressure loss, etc. The flow calculation also takes into consideration correction factors such as temperature compensation, compressibility factors, fluid properties and other variables to ensure the most highly accurate instrument possible.

There are many terms that are commonly used for the basic flow calculation. Some of the common terms are: flow calculation data sheet, flow calculation, bore calculation; orifice bore calculation, orifice data sheet, etc. For the purposes in this brief, the outcome of this process will be referred to as the Flow Calculation.